AR Management Is the Key Area of Every Practice

Reduce Your AR Balance with Us

Every medical practice including clinics, laboratories, and hospitals are required to keep receivable accounts managed through proper filing and documentation. We, at BAWACorp provide you with complete revenue cycle management service that ensure that each penny is reimbursed.

Our dedicated team using our detailed and surgical approach allows us to work on every step of your RCM with full dedication. We actively work to minimize your running cost and improve collection efficiency with quality assurance. Moreover, our team vigilantly monitors the aging balance of all accounts and make sure that all claims are followed upon between 25-35 days from the date of entry.

Unique Work Strategy

A Streamlined Process

One of the major concerns in managing accounts receivable. We have to make sure that claims get paid by insurances and patients pay their due balances, if any. A recent study by Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) shows only 70% of medical claims get paid upon first submission. It also claims that 18 out of 30 claims are not resubmitted to payers for a second time which ultimately led to huge financial losses in healthcare facilities. We are here to ask you if you are ready to turn your losses into profits by controlling the financial leakage?

Your Practice Needs an Extra Push

BAWACorp provides you with the most strategical approach to minimize the balance in Accounts Receivable. We do not let your possible revenue drain out. Appropriate and regular working on aging balance can increase your practice revenue by up to 20%. Your practice health is important for us, and we work on to keep it more profitable.

Regular Tracking

We monitor the denials frequently to implement any modifications at billing level to achieve higher claim acceptance rate.

Strong Follow-up

We do not let the revenue stuck in the stage where insurance follow-up is not a priority. Collecting every possible penny is our importance.

Appeals Filing

We do not be reluctant to file an appeal for the low ticket claims too. Each claim counts for the improved revenue cycle.

Root Cause Analysis

We focus on the root cause of the denial to eliminate it at charge entry level and, provide a timely statistic to management.

Swift Action

Our experts are passionate to work on the denials instantly, normally within 72 hours of the receipt of a denial.

Better Collection Rate

Our professionals can help you boost-up your payment recovery by providing the essential tools to accelerate timely resolution of denials.