Leading Provider of Innovative Medical Billing Services

BAWACorp prides itself on providing innovative and creative solutions for your billing demands. We identify your needs and devise customized solutions as per requirements. Our team of experts continuously works towards providing you the best of services which not only provides you relief from financial strains but also increase your collection. BAWACorp provides innovative solutions for billing services including medical claims billing services, healthcare recovery assistance, and practice management solutions which has secured us a place as leading billing service provider.

We Save Your Time and Efforts

We look after your revenue so you can look after the patients and provide them the necessary healthcare. Since our services include everything from billing, recover and AR management, we make sure that you do not have to invest any time and effort.

Mission Statement

At BAWACorp our mission and goal are to provide our clients with the most feasible and innovative medical billing services. We work towards optimizing the working time for your reimbursements. Our mission is to focus on quality communication with the clients and maintain complete documentation.

Vision Statement

Our vision at BAWACorp is to build presence as a recognized billing service that excel in quality client service. We aim to achieve high standards of service for our clientele by providing them with innovative and efficient solutions.

Why Choose BAWACorp?

  • Higher Collection Rate
  • In-House Like Approach
  • Responsive Service
  • High Value Analytics
  • Paperless Practice
  • Cost-Effective Solution
  • Proven Track Record
  • Patient Helpdesk
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • Transparent Reporting