Best Ever Support Team

We Listen Carefully

It is always difficult for a healthcare facility to call patients or referring physicians just to obtain the missing piece of necessary information in claim processing. BAWACorp gives you the freedom to focus on patients’ health by adding Client and Patient Support services with your consent. It can save your administrative cost and will shorten the turn-around time.

BAWACorp has the trained staff to communicate with patients and/or referring facilities if any information is needed for claim’s adjudication, this information fully transmits through HIPAA compliant channels only.

Cost Effective Solution

Higher Level of Satisfaction

BAWACorp, with your consent, can help you to reach out directly to referring facilities or patients for obtaining of any missing information. Furthermore, our support team takes all incoming calls from patients regarding their billing statements so that they can assist them accordingly.

Professional Team to Communicate

Patient satisfaction is important when you are running a healthcare facility, it is obvious that patient may have questions regarding their medical statements for the balance they owe. Our professional team answer their queries on your behalf and document the conversation for future references.

Quality of Care

Patient support is linked with the quality of care. Your patient’s may have questions regarding statements and our agents are always ready to serve them.

Focused Attention

We understand how important the attention is for all patient quires. Our agents make it easy for the patients to communicate and understand.

Rapid Response

The longer wait time can be frustrating for the patient. We have trained our agents for the rapid response to each query.

A Methodical Approach

Our team make sure to get to the real heart of the problem and go for the solution right away.

Dedicated Team

We have a team of professionals with great communication and attention to the detail skills for the client and patient support.

Higher Level of Satisfaction

We believe in delivering the quality services so our clients can enjoy the higher level of satisfaction.